Torn ACL - wait time for diagnosis

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noticed more painful to walk in running shoes than ski boots


Sunday March 18

- drove back to Calgary

Will be interesting navigating healthcare as a patient with my background implementing lean at 3 hospitals.  Alberta is behind all the western Canadian provinces in their adoption of Lean Healthcare to improve patient outcomes.

BC started a few years before they moved me there,  Saskatchewan is at the point they're using 3P, and Alberta sandwiched in between by my measure has not even started.

Going to pay particular attention to wait times.

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Monday March 19

went to see my doctor who sent me for xray & ultrasound on knee - went same day - report in photo.  I still think everything is ok and may be able to hit May long Sunshine village. Didn't go for the meds or crutches.

so far

88% wait time (10.75 hours) for

12% value add/service (1.5 hours).


Tuesday March 20

morning - walking is tough, actually considering crutches MRI & Acute Knee Injury Clinic appointments requested.


Wed. Mar 21

24 hours later AKIC responds to request, no appt yet.

Nothing from MRI. 

*If I were in the US I would have had it yesterday and would be reviewing the results.

let's see how long it takes Alberta Health Services
