MRI - Richmond Road Diagnostic - Alberta Health Services

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I want to mention how grateful I am we actually have access to healthcare.

Just the fact that it is available at all in a world where many don't have the option.

A lot of people complain without offering a solution or appreciating the fact that despite the imperfections, we're lucky to be in this part of the world.


Last 2 weeks I'm starting to walk (limp?) a bit better despite limited range of motion; has it improved slightly?  for straightening I have gotten it a cm or two closer to the ground, not sure if that translates to a degree or more.

Still very slow, just to & from parking lot for work & necessities, which has been treacherous at times.

Lucky snow & ice is gone in the city; would not have been able to walk on ice.


Apr 26

- evening before MRI

stepped off curb; it must have been a bit lower than I expected, likely I was going a bit too fast as I feel things are improving - bending beyond the comfort zone and couldn't stay up, naturally caught myself with the other leg & hands on the road.  Push through the pain to straighten it again, stood up and assessed.  Sat on my bumper for a few minutes while it settled down.  Hopefully it didn't make anything worse; happy the MRI is tomorrow and we can finally get a diagnosis. 

Surprised no one stopped to ask if everything's alright; there's a fair bit of traffic in this area - it wouldn't have help me, but what if it was someone else that actually needed help?

After this I decide to start keeping detailed notes regarding #injury progress & how it feels.


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Apr 27

- MRI scan

- 37 days after injury

- surprisingly long walk from front door to the MRI lab, a great exercise in patience for me.

wait time of 37.4 days for 15-30 minute scan Alberta Health Services


*side note

- within the week I waited, my friend requested & received and MRI at a private clinic in Calgary

- so the problem at Alberta Health is not a shortage of access to equipment or capacity.  Had my appointment not been moved up I would have done the same, as the doctor explained there is a window to treat these injuries for a positive outcome

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