Finding an Orthopedic Surgeon

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May 18, 2018

Saturday 2:27am

Mackay Office reply:

“I have forwarded this message to Professor Mackay, and for his advice on theatre availability.”

I settle in to wait the weekend.  (won’t be skiing slushcup Sunshine village this year)

Monday is a Holiday in Canada however not in Scotland so I can follow up then.

My persistence may be paying off, thanks to David Hunt Tribe Medical , Peter from Gateway Surgical did contact me and suggested Jesse Shantz or Andrea Veljkovic are potential providers of current orthopedic practices in Canada; turns out they are also private – I contact them regardless, as the failure of the Canadian Healthcare system is not leaving an alternative.

The earliest option they have is an initial appointment for consultation Wed May 23 followed by surgery in Vancouver May 30.  For some reason private healthcare is not allowed in Alberta, so to provide care patients have to fly to BC for the procedure.  I would return right after, and they suggest I have food for a week or 2 & someone to help me while I’m healing & less mobile. 

Some of my questions were for the surgeon so I wait to hear back from Jesse…