Alberta Health Services Emergency Department Wait Times

20180327 Rockyview hospital defective equip exam room.jpg

Thu Mar 27 - day 10

Happy to see hand washing % sign on wall in emergency Alberta Health Services; still need to start continuous improvement though.

Triage & admitting were reasonably quick; next wait room was 2 hours - at least they know the wait time - no sign of Lean Healthcare.

While waiting for knee diagnosis saw the sign (in pic) - assuming someone else has also - hoping I don't rely on it either if still in disrepair.

At least it's visual.


speak to orthopedic surgeon,

says we can do aspirin and check in about 10 days to see if things clear up, or weeks of Rivaroxaban.

Has a pager call (they still exist!) & says to look it up while he takes the call.

A quick review of its side effects and I don't see why one would take this unless absolutely necessary.  There's also no reversal (as there would be warfarin/rat poison).

We talk more and are in agreement checking back in 10 days is a reasonable course of action.

He says he'll get a 2nd opinion from the hemotologist, comes back and is pro Rivaroxaban prescription.

I call it and point out how flip flop this is, & I prefer not to take the prescribed anticoagulate.  We agree so I'll set up another ultrasound.

I look up natural blood thinning options and adjust my diet with daily pineapple for bromelain, tumeric, apple cider vinegar, cayene pepper, garlic, fish & sardines, lemon, green tea and natto.
